Is Organic Better?
The USDA oversees and regulates the term “organic.” They state, “Produce can be called organic if it’s certified to have grown on soil that had no prohibited substances applied for three years prior to harvest.” Produce must also meet requirements regarding production methods and pesticide use.
National Trail Mix Day
Wellness Blog
It’s National Trail Mix Day and in pre-covid times I would have loved to stand out in the cafe and let you all make your own concoction. Oftentimes, trail mix gets a bad rap for it’s high fat and sugar content, but I have to say, not all trail mix is created equally. The truth is, trail mix provides a nutrient-dense punch of energy perfect for hiking, high energy activities, or just National Trail Mix Day!
Filling Up on Fiber
Filling Up On Fiber
Fiber is an overlooked nutrient that is critical for maintaining optimal health that most people do not get nearly enough of. Fiber is best known for its ability to fight constipation but its health benefits go far beyond regularity. Eating a consistently fiber-rich diet can significantly lower your risk for heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer and gastrointestinal diseases. It also helps keep you feel fuller longer and keep your gut bacteria balanced.